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Truck Driver Appreciation Week

Every single day, truck drivers make it possible for us to go about our daily lives. Every week is truck driver appreciation week. 8 Great Gift Ideas for Truck Driver Appreciation Week in So, how do you participate in truck driver appreciation week? Truck driver appreciation week . We appreciate our truck drivers! It’s your opportunity to show truck drivers appreciation for doing what they do. Drivers do more than just move america forward, and it’s time we start showing them the appreciation they deserve. We appreciate our truck drivers all year long, but it sure is great to have one week devoted to these hardworking drivers. Below you'll find photos of member drivers and a list of what members are doing to celebrate our drivers (whether it's during ntdaw or throughout the year). To change that, the national truck driver appreciation week (ntdaw) was created. $100 upon signing up and. The following are some great ideas that you can use to treat a local tr